
Academic Journal Articles

2024 - Perry, J. A. & Nicholson, L.

“It’s a reward for good performance”: Exploring the role of employer-employee relationships in Canada’s two-step economic immigration system.

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2024.2360110.

2024 - Perry, J. A., & Bethune, L. R.

‘Decolonizing’ citizenship learning with international students: Exploring the possibilities through photovoice.

Journal of International Students, 14(1), 97-118. DOI: 10.32674/jis.v14i1.5125.

2023 - Beaudry, J. L., & Perry, J. A.

2023 - April, J., & Perry, J. A.

When the path falls away: Learning to live well with food hypersensitivities.

Journal of Critical Dietetics, 6(3), 71-93. DOI: 10.32920/cd.v6i3.1629.

2023 - McDonald, S., & Perry, J. A.

Franklian existentialism and transformative learning: Unlikely co-captains for uncertain times.

Journal of Transformative Education. Advance Online Publication. DOI: 10.1177/15413446231152853.

2022 - Perry, J. A.

Situated learning and transnational labour migration: The case of Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program.

Adult Education Quarterly, 72(4), 422-438. DOI: 10.1177/07417136221095480.

2021 - Perry, J. A.

Frenzied synchronicities: Reworking the rhythms of temporary labour migration

Applied Mobilities, 6(2), 169-183. DOI: 10.1080/23800127.2020.1811452.

2021 - Perry, J. A. and Scott, D.

Car consumption among recent immigrants and refugees to rural Nova Scotia: An exploratory study

Journal of Rural and Community Development, 16(2), 121-137.

2021 - Perry, J. A. and Gesualdi-Fecteau, D.

Contending with precarity, temporariness and life aspirations in the context of international labour migration

International Migration, 59(2), 3-7.  DOI: 10.1111/imig.12698

2021 - Perry, J. A.

The negotiation of new family formation post‐migration among low‐wage migrant workers: The case of Canada

International Migration, 59(2), 41-46. DOI: 10.1111/imig.12698

2021 - Perry, J. A.

‘When my home is your business’: Transforming stories of housing in a post-industrial city

Studies in the Education of Adults, 53(2), 204-219. DOI: 

2020 - Perry, J. A.

‘Escaping’ managed labour migration: Worker exit as precarious migrant agency.

Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 27(4), 423-441. DOI:

2019 - Perry, J. A.

Images of work, images of defiance: Engaging migrant farm worker voice through community-based arts.

Agriculture and Human Values, 36 (3), 627-640. DOI: 10.1007/s10460-018-9861-9.

Agriculture and Human Values

2018 - Perry, J. A.

Living at work and intra-worker sociality among migrant farm workers in Canada.

Journal of International Migration and Integration., 19 (4), 1021-1036. DOI:

Journal of International Migration and Integration

2018 - Mirchandani, K., L. F. Vosko, U. Soni-Sinha, J. A. Perry, A. M. Noack, R. Hall, and M. Gellatly.

Methodological k/nots: Designing research on the enforcement of labour standards.

Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 12 (2), 133-147.

Journal of Mixed Methods Research

2018 - Perry, J. A.

Play-making with migrant farm workers in Ontario, Canada: A kinesthetic and embodied approach to qualitative research.

Advance Online Publication. Qualitative Research, 18 (6), 689-705. DOI: 10.1177/1468794117743463.

Qualitative Research Journal

2012 - Perry, J. A.

A silent revolution: Image Theatre as a system of decolonization.

Research in Drama Education, 17 (1), 103-119.

Ride - Research in drama education

2012 - Perry, J. A.

Barely legal: Racism and migrant farm labour in the context of Canadian multiculturalism.

Citizenship Studies, 16 (2), 189-201.

Citizenship studies

2011 - Gellatly, M, J. Grundy, K. Mirchandani, J. A. Perry, M. P. Thomas, and Vosko, L. F.

‘Modernizing’ Employment Standards? Administrative efficiency, market regulation, and the production of the illegitimate claimant in Ontario, Canada.

The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 22 (2), 81-106.

The economic and labour relations review

Book Chapters

2013 - Perry, J. A.

Living and learning through solidarity and struggle: Assessing the informal learning of Frontier College labourer-teachers.

In D. Schugurensky, F. Duguid & K. Mundel (Eds.), We know more than we can tell: Volunteer work, informal learning and social action (pp. 79-100). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Volunteer Work, Informal Learning and Social Action

Non-peer-reviewed Publications

2023 - Abu-Laban, Y., Tungohan, E., Gabriel, C. Dobrowolsky, A., Fernando, S., Guo, S., Perry, J. A., & Zhyznomirska, L.

Symposium on “Containing diversity: Canada and the Politics of immigration in the 21st Century”.

Canadian Ethnic Studies, 55(1), 125-145.

Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power

2022 - Perry, J. A.

Breaking the armour and stirring the soul: Dialogue, community, and critical perspectives on adult and continuing education.

Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 34(2), I-II.

Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power

2022 - Brookfield, S., Neustaeter, R., & Perry, J. A.

Anti-racist adult education: A conversation with Professor Stephen Brookfield.

Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 34(1), XI-XXXI

Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power

2019 - Perry, J. A.

Carving out an autonomous life through exiting managed labour migration in Canada.

Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power

2007 - Perry, J. A.

Out of their labours: An intimate glimpse into the lives of some of Canada’s migrant workers.

Briarpatch, 36 (7), 19-22.

Briarpatch Book

Book Reviews

2021 - Perry, J. A.

Review of the book Adult education and lifelong learning in Canada: Advancing a critical legacy by Brigham, S. M., McGray, R., & Jubas, K. (Eds.)

The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 33(2), 157-159.

Community Based Research book review

2017 - Perry, J. A.

Review of Community-based participatory research by Hacker.

Adult Education Quarterly, 67(2), 160-162.

Community Based Research book review

2017 - Perry, J. A.

Review of Learning activism: The intellectual life of contemporary social movements by Choudry, A.

Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 29(2), 89-90.

Learning Activism Book Review

2017 - Perry, J. A.

Review of Points of entry: How Canada’s immigration officers decide who gets in by Satzewich, V.

Canadian Journal of Sociology, 42(1), 127-129.

Points of Entry Book Review

St. Francis Xavier University

J. Adam Perry, PhD

Assistant Professor of Adult Education

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